Booking Grewelthorpe
Village Hall

We hope you have found our online booking system and web pages (including calendar) both user friendly and informative. However, if you can see any way we can make it even better please let us know.

We have noticed some issues when people have used the system, so we hope the following “Quick Tips” helps.

Quick Tips

  1. DO NOT book more than one room at once.

  2. Block bookings can be done.

  3. In “Booking Description” you can put any information about your event that you want others to see on the calendar.

  4. Agree name of Organisation in advance, and use it for all associated bookings.

  5. Use GVHCC@grewelthorpevillagehall for all correspondence.

  6. Check your junk mail and make sure our email address is ‘approved’.

Please Note: The notes below are an overview of the system but for a full step by step guide to booking, please click here .

How does it work?

When you press the button or select the link to book, it takes you to another web site where you are requested to input information such as date and times, what room you wish to hire, details about you and your organisation, etc. Bookings can be for one-offs or for repeated use of the facility if you prefer. If there is already a booking on the system you will be advised that it is not available at the date and time you have requested, so you can amend there and then.

If the room is free then your request will come through to an administrator who will look at your request and if everything is OK will approve it and send an email to you confirming the booking.

Please note that when booking you are given an option to select “Booking Type”. If you are an agreed ‘Concession’ (see below), then please click the box and select “Concession” or “No charge” depending on status. If you are not one of these then please select “Standard Booking”.

If you wish to use the kitchen for refreshments only (teas and coffees) during your booking then this is available ‘free of charge’ and you need to book this separately and select “No Charge”. Should the cafe be open then the kitchen will not be available, however staff will provide hot water etc if requested.

All bookings are provisional until approved by the administrator. Therefore, please do not make any arrangements until you receive confirmation of the booking.

If for any reason you need to cancel a booking, please email us advising of this, giving details of the booking, so that we can do it for you. For security reasons it is not possible for you to cancel through the online system. If you dont cancel you may be charged.

When booking it is important that you read and agree to both the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, details of which can be found at the bottom of each web page. It is also important that you determine whether or not you need any additional insurance. To help in that please see our Contents & Liabilities insurance details, Building insurance details and Employers Liability Certificate

Groups and organisations who regularly use the facility can request to be put onto the system for block bookings by emailing at and providing:

  • Name;

  • Business/Organisation/Group Name;

  • Email address;

  • Resident/Business Address;

  • Phone Number/Mobile Number;

  • Any information you would like us to include on our web pages to promote your activity/event etc; and,

  • An image, if you want one included.  Please note that any images used that show people who can be recognised, do need to have the permission of the individual prior to the image being uploaded.


Concessionary charges apply to:

“Village groups run by residents for the benefit of other residents and their guests” 

  Current approved groups for concessions are:

  • Ducklings;

  • Women’s Institute (WI);

  • Grewelthorpe Gardeners Club;

  • Grewelthorpe Parish Council; 

  • Royal British Legion (RBL);

  • Grewelthorpe Sports and Social Association (GSSA);

  • History Group;

  • Arts and Craft Group;

  • GLADS Book Group;

  • Village Table Tennis Club;

  • Music Interest group.

  • Friends of the Crown Ltd.

 For concession groups there is no charge for the hire of ‘Resources’ e.g. sound system, projector etc.

Charges for all other bookings will be at the business/for profit rate with the following exceptions, which are free of charge:

  • Events organised by Grewelthorpe Village Hall for the community and the financial benefit of the Company e.g. Cafe Talks, music events and the Grewelthorpe Multi Terrain Race (GMTR); and,

  • Bookings by either the Methodist or Anglican Church.

The Grewelthorpe Village Hall Board has the right to waive the hire charge in part or full in exceptional circumstances e.g. fundraising/charity events. 

Should you feel that your group/organisation or event warrants a concession or free of charge then please email us advising what it is you want to hire the facility for and why you feel it meets the criteria for a concession/free of charge.  Your application will be considered by the Grewelthorpe Village Hall Board.


Rooms are available for hire on an individual basis and are subject to availability.  Alternatively, the whole hall can be hired for the day. 

Should you wish to consume alcohol and/or require an extension to the opening times (Temporary Event Notice (TEN)), then additional fees are applicable and need to be booked when making the booking.  

A Temporary Event Notice will be required (TEN) should the hirer wish their event to carry on past 23:00. For a TEN a minimum of 21 full days notice, prior to the event taking place, is required. Notice to be in the form of an email.  The board will then consider the request taking into consideration any impact on neighbours and advise accordingly.


Extra facilities are available to hire for an additional fee, and include:

  • A Sound system;

  • A Projection system; and,

  • Staging (staging is erected and dismantled by the board members prior to and following the event)

Please see the Hire Charges for full details.


Invoices are usually sent out at the begining of the month and cover all hires undertaken in the previous month.

However there are some exceptions to this where the invoice is sent shortly after the booking has been made. These include privated parties, special events etc. In some cases there may also be the need to pay a deposit, which is fully refundable if the facility is left clean and tidy after the avent and no damage has occured.

How to Book Grewelthorpe Village Hall

If you wish to book the facility please press here, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you are booking a “one off” booking and do not wish your name to be published on the calendar please input “Private Party” when prompted to fill the box “Organisation”. Booking will be provisional and you will receive an email confirmation once approved. It may be that additional information is required in which case the administrator will contact you via email or phone.