Grewelthorpe Village Hall Facilities
Hackfall Cafe
Hackfall cafe is a versatile space and can not only be used for serving and eating food, but also for small group meetings and classes. For example “it made an excellent, relaxed space for Spanish and French classes, not at all ‘classroomy’, and the kitchen provided the perfect setting for a tapas evening’”. The seating and tables can be moved round as required, or removed all together if more space is needed. Access to the kitchen is off to the side, but all food can be served from the kitchen through a large serving hatch. Around the hatch is an “Induction Loop System” to assist the hearing impaired and make sure that communication with those in the kitchen is not compromised. Access is either through the main doors to the front or from the lobby, which has good ramp facilities.
Room Size
Hackfall Cafe is 8 metres long by 3.5 metres wide.
Please note all fixtures and fittings are included within the space.